Best jokes..
Flying nazi-ducks and the word 'boogaloo' lol
Best jokes..
Flying nazi-ducks and the word 'boogaloo' lol
whoa review mods are finally crackin down and deleting all the reviews that have scores less than 7 phew i thought theyd nevah leave
Hey really cool, but I would have saved that little tinting/rotating technique for like, the opening of a newscast or in some other little convient place, /within/ a cartoon. Cool stuff though, and its a neat idea to get out there.
Hahahahaha Ok I don't do this often, but you had the right mixture of retardedly funny music with retardedly crappy somewhat nonesensicle hardly any effort put into it at all flash that makes me want to give it a 10 because even that in itself is funny. Good work you silly bastard~ ^___^
Thanks for the review. Ive never expected this to make it trough to the portal... but hey, why not ?... Ive actually seen worse flash movies than this on Newgrounds...
Joined on 3/25/03